
[SciDaily]美國海軍的聲納可能和鯨豚擱淺有關連 U.S. Navy Sonar Linked To Whale Strandings, Environmental Scientists Argue

Chris Parsons是International Whaling Commission中科學及保育委員會的成員,他檢驗了過去八年大量鯨豚擱淺的資料,推論擱淺的情形可能和軍事演習所使用的聲納有關。他同時也建議美國海軍使用適當的方法以緩和聲納對於鯨豚的影響。


George Mason University (2008, October 6). U.S. Navy Sonar Linked To Whale Strandings, Environmental Scientists Argue. ScienceDaily. Retrieved October 8, 2008, from http://www.sciencedaily.com­ /releases/2008/10/081006112057.htm

Journal reference:

  1. Chris Parsons et al. Navy Sonar and Cetaceans: Just how much does the gun need to smoke before we act? Marine Pollution Bulletin, (in press)
