
Taiwan Bush Warbler, a unusual behaviour

20110425_258 Taiwan Bush Warbler 5/5: The background environmental view20110425_256 Taiwan Bush Warbler 4/5: WALKING!20110425_250 Taiwan Bush Warbler 3/5: WALKING!!20110425_243 Taiwan Bush Warbler 2/5: Unafraid of people...20110425_229 Taiwan Bush Warbler 1/5: Walking on the cliff

The strange behaviour and atypical call of Taiwan bush warbler....

In 2400m, I found a small movements inside the bush in roadside . In the beginning, that bird was very silent, just WALK close to the ground. After somebody playback the typical song of Taiwan bush warbler, he make atypical call "gagagagagagaga~~", like the alarm call of Chinese bulbul. He start to provide some short repeat of typical song once and twice, and walked into the base of grasses. Then he make the atypical call for minutes and leave. On that time, there might be two individuals, but only one make sounds.

The sound: dl.dropbox.com/u/18689552/UnknownAudios/110425_14_1419par...

In the recording, it starts from the atypical call, then provides the typical song repeated 1-3 times. After a period of pause, other birdwatchers playback a series of typical song.

在某山區等鳥的時候,發現路邊樹叢有一個小而緩慢的東西在移動,仔細一看發現是隻台灣叢樹鶯。觀察了一陣子,在其他鳥友斷續的回播台灣叢樹鶯的典型鳴唱聲之後,他就開始發出非典型的鳴叫,類似白頭翁警戒的"嘎嘎嘎嘎"聲,不時夾雜著僅重複一兩次的鳴唱聲。之後就躲進草叢中,在回播結束後三分鐘左右持 續發出非典型的鳴叫,之後才停止。

